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*Cancelled* Thirsty Sword Lesbians: Sparkle Heart Magic Force Go!!

Date(s) - Friday 7/16/2021 9:30 PM - Friday 11:30 PM

Experience a one-shot adventure in the LGBTQ+ tabletop roleplaying game “Thirsty Sword Lesbians”, which celebrates the love, power, and existence of queer people.” Thirsty Sword Lesbians uses the Powered By The Apocalypse System, where player characters are represented by “Playbooks” (effectively self-contained character sheets that can be completed for Play effectively within five minutes).

For this event, players will be enjoying a session from the Sparkle Heart Magic Force Go! setting.

Pitch: It’s been years since the Mystical Guardians of the Sparkle Heart received their call to arms. Seemingly ordinary college students transformed to battle the Eidolons, otherworldly monsters of eerie beauty and vicious intent. Thanks to the Mystical Guardians, the gate was sealed—just in time for finals! The PCs parted ways after graduation, and the Sparkle Heart became a distant memory. Years later, they’re going to have to remember their power and their friendship to confront a new threat.

Pencils, dice, and limited hard copies of handouts will be provided by the GM, but an electronic copy of some of the materials can be found at HERE


VENUE: Offline Games
Address: Grand Ballroom D, Westchase Marriott, United States