Lutavia Cosplay – Local Cosplay Spotlight Guest Winner

Lutavia Cosplay

Lutavia Cosplay

is our second ever Local Cosplay Spotlight Winner.
Lutavia discovered cosplay around 13-14 but like so many of us life distractions put cosplay on the back burner. Though she kept going to cons, school overwhelmed her, and it wasn’t until college that her love of cosplay was revitalized. It started out building props on her apartment table–putting electronics together for a Breath of the Wild sheikah slate and Guardian Sword, using tutorials from Adafruit, a site she was familiar with in school. When she brought it to a convention for the first time and saw a teenager examining it in awe and was grinning with pride, she realized something: she liked wearing cosplays, but adored building them. And when began helping others build a Guardian Sword like hers, showing them the resources to use, she began to realize she adored teaching too. Fast forward to today: now she absolutely loves cosplaying and building stuff as well as showing other people, and hopefully sparking some joy and confidence in them to build something too!

Instagram: @lutaviacosplay
Twitter: @LutaviaCosplay

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