Kadiaa Cosplay @ Delta H Con 2017

Kadiaa Cosplay

Kadiaa is a Houston-based cosplayer that has been crafting cosplays since 2013. She is greatly looking forward to seeing the talented cosplayers that enter this year’s competition at Delta-H Con.

She draws inspiration from anime, video games, and the works of the Japanese illustrator Sakizo. She has had the honor of receiving a wide variety of awards in the Texas cosplay community, including First Place Masters Division at Anime Matsuri and Best in Show at Japanfest. Her specialties include armor, props, resin-casting, and crafting large sets of wings.

Her favorite part of the crafting process is to take a 2D design and bring it to life in the 3D realm through love, sweat, and tears. She enjoys sharing her crafting knowledge with other cosplayers and encourages everyone to follow their cosplay dreams to create something amazing that they can take pride in.